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Time schedule

ImpactFest 2023 offers a full-day program of inspiring speakers and interesting sessions. Discover the time schedule and the different elements of the program in the time schedule below. You will be able to switch between roundabouts, meetups, talk shows and reverse pitching. At the bottom of this page we explain what the different sessions stand for.

Types of sessions

  • A Roundabout is a 45 minute dialogue with the purpose of engaging in a discussion on specific topics under the table hosts’ expertise or interest with 4 to 8 guests.
  • A Meetup session is hosted by two or more specialists. They take a deep dive in one of the main themes: climate adaptation, circular economy, food transition and energy transition.
Talk show
  • Dive into the newest trends in innovation, explained by the experts on stage. They explain and discuss the main trends and innovations on one of the ImpactFest themes.
Reverse pitching
  • Investors that are looking for impactful solutions, pitch a business plan or concept to the entrepreneurs attending ImpactFest. The roles are reversed!
Meet the investor
  • Interested entrepreneurs meet -in a small group -a specific investor to ask questions, discuss their organisation or the business plan of the reverse pitching in more depth.